

ROI = 0% BMV = 0%

A plot of land located in Zelah with planning approval granted for 3, four bedroom houses &amp; new main road access point with access road and the introduction of three sewerage treatment plants. Planning number PA23/04550.Conditions:1- The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission. Reason: In accordance with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004).2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the plans listed below under the heading "Plans Referred to in Consideration of this Application".Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.3 No development approved by this permission shall be commenced until details of a scheme for the provision of surface water management has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The details shall include:<ol><li>Details of the final drainage schemes including percolation testing results to BRE365, calculations and layout.</li><li> Confirmation of who will maintain the drainage systems and a plan for the future management and maintenance, including responsibilities for the drainage systems and overland flow routes. The plan must include a drawing which clearly indicates the management responsibility for each drainage element, and schedule of maintenance. The Developer must inform the Local Planning Authority of any variation from the details provided and agree these in writing before such variations are undertaken.  Reason: To prevent the increased risk of flooding and minimise the risk of pollution of surface water by ensuring the provision of a satisfactory means of surface water control and disposal. In accordance with the aims and intentions of Policy 26 of the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010 - 2030 and paragraphs 173 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2023 (December)</li></ol><ul><li>  4 A) No development shall take place until a programme of archaeological recording work including a Written Scheme of Investigation has been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority in writing. The scheme shall include an assessment of significance and research questions, and: 1. The programme and methodology of site investigation and recording 2. The programme for post investigation assessment 3. Provision to be made for analysis of the site investigation and recording 4. Provision to be made for publication and dissemination of the analysis and records of the site investigation 5. Provision to be made for archive deposition of the analysis and records of the site investigation</li></ul> Tenure- FreeholdConsumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008.WE STRONGLY advise all parties to confirm and check title documents, build warranties, services / utilities and any covenants which may or may not apply, immediately after agreeing a purchase. Our adverts do not form part of a contract and must NOT be relied upon. All buyers MUST also VERIFY the Council Tax band and broadband speeds to satisfy themselves rather than rely on our information – which is subject to change.Goundrys have not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures and fittings or services and so cannot verify that they are in working order or fit for the purpose. A Buyer is advised to obtain verification from their Solicitor or Surveyor. Measurements are a GUIDE ONLY. Items shown in photographs are NOT included unless specifically mentioned within the sales particulars. They may however be available by separate negotiation. Buyers must check the availability of any property and make an appointment to view before embarking on any journey to see a property.  Areas marked on aerial photography are for guide purposes only and may have some inaccuracies. ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING REGULATIONS - PurchasersIt is a legal requirement that we receive verified identification from all buyers before a sale can be instructed. We ask for your cooperation on this matter to ensure there is no unnecessary delay in agreeing a sale. We will inform you of the process once your offer has been accepted.PROOF OF FINANCE - PurchasersBefore agreeing a sale, we will require proof of your financial ability to purchase. Again, we ask for your cooperation on this matter to avoid any unnecessary delays in agreeing a sale and we will inform you of what we require prior to agreeing a sale.

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Property Details
  • Property ID: 154964090
  • Added On: 2025-02-04
  • Deal Type: For Sale
  • Property Price: £395,000
  • Bedrooms: 0
  • Bathrooms: 1.00
  • Building Plot
  • Planning Approval For 3x 4 Bedroom Detached Houses with Garages & Gardens
  • Planning Number PA23/04550